Saturday, December 28, 2013

Piestewa Christmas

Weather:  60°, sun

Time to summit:  25 minutes, 30 seconds

About this hike:  No new records here, but it sure felt good to get back to Piestewa Peak after a few weeks off.  Was busy this morning, and I ran into several people that I know.

Up until January 2013 when the city closed Camelback Echo Canyon, I never paid much attention to Piestewa.  A Christmas tree on top may be tradition, just as it is on Camelback, but I've never seen it before.
After beginning my descent, I heard a loud, booming megaphone voice from the top.  I'd like to know what he was saying but couldn't make out the words.  Perhaps a mountaintop preacher?

Friday, December 27, 2013

Christmas on Camelback

Weather:  70°, sun

About this hike:  Didn't record my time to the summit.  Camelback Cholla trail is a chore to get to.  And then there's fighting to parallel park on Invergordon Rd.  Needless to say, I don't make Cholla a habit.  However, fighting crowds and traffic to see the annual Christmas tree on top was worth it.

I also took this beautiful panorama (below) looking northeast.  It encompasses the McDowells, Four Peaks, and Superstitions.  Best part was I used my work-issued iPhone's panorama feature.  Might be the only good part of iPhone, but the camera onboard is impressive.