Weather: 49°, sunny
Time: 33 minutes
About this hike: I sure have missed a lot of weeks. But weekends are often filled with other things now--even better than hiking our beautiful Phoenix mountains!
Today I was able to make it back to Camelback. I think I'm a little out of shape after all these weeks off. While 33 minutes isn't bad, I had to take quite a few breaks. Not acceptable in cooler weather. Parking was among the most challenging I've ever dealt with, but a little creativity got me in the gate at my secret parking spot.
Primary reason I put up with Camelback and all it's crowdedness today was to see the Christmas tree on top. It did not disappoint. Santa was up there as well, taking photos and passing out candy canes. Despite the sub-50 degree temps, shortly after starting out I had to take off my hoodie. A Santa suit had to be warm for hiking up in.