Saturday, August 27, 2016

New Record: Two Months off from Camelback :(

Weather:  90°, sunny, monsoon clouds

Time:  32.5 minutes

About this hike:  Two months without a Camelback hike is upsetting to me.  However, other things have been going on in my life (all good—no injuries or anything like that!) and I just haven't made the time this hot summer.  Plus, with my near knee-shattering incident on Piestewa in early May, I've been a little scared to hike.

Yes, it's been two months since my feet touched the hallowed ground at Camelback, but my time has hardly suffered.  Yes, I'm over 30 minutes, but just barely.

With ASU's fall semester in full swing, I expected the mountain to be crowded.  Parking lot ended up having plenty of spaces.  However, for the hikers that were braving the humid monsoon air this morning, it was like amateur hour.  I found myself frustrated with slow, selfie-taking, inconsiderate hikers often.  Oh least it was a safe, enjoyable hike otherwise.  Always good to be back...