Weather: 72º, sunny
Time: 27 minutes
About this Hike: The construction on Squaw Peak Drive (I'm still calling it that despite Mayor Stanton's efforts...) is done and the main road is repaved which is a nice reprieve from mud and messes. Parking was still a beast today. I was lucky to nab a spot on the residential streets.
Tis the season. Piestewa is going from winter crowds to late winter / spring crowds, tourists, and snow birds. It was definitely far more crowded than I prefer today. These types of hikes can be frustrating because you're constantly in other hiker's way and they let you know it.
Regardless, the far-less-traveled Alternate Summit trail gives a little reprieve before you join the mass of humanity on the main trail. After a day of feasting yesterday, it was good to get up to the mountain and hike off some calories.
Time: 27 minutes
About this Hike: The construction on Squaw Peak Drive (I'm still calling it that despite Mayor Stanton's efforts...) is done and the main road is repaved which is a nice reprieve from mud and messes. Parking was still a beast today. I was lucky to nab a spot on the residential streets.
Tis the season. Piestewa is going from winter crowds to late winter / spring crowds, tourists, and snow birds. It was definitely far more crowded than I prefer today. These types of hikes can be frustrating because you're constantly in other hiker's way and they let you know it.
Regardless, the far-less-traveled Alternate Summit trail gives a little reprieve before you join the mass of humanity on the main trail. After a day of feasting yesterday, it was good to get up to the mountain and hike off some calories.