Monday, March 19, 2018

Second Water, Boulder Canyon, Dutchman Loop—Superstitions First Water Trailhead

Weather:  70º, sunny, breezy

About this Hike:  My hike a few weeks ago on Boulder Canyon #103 via Canyon Lake Trailhead gave me a newfound appreciation for the Superstitions.  Flatiron via Lost Dutchman State Park has given me an eerie, uncomfortable feeling in the past.  I still wonder if it has anything to do with the Nov. 2011 plane crash—not to mention all the folklore surrounding Superstition Mountains...

However, I feel quite the opposite as I've been discovering the canyons and other-worldly rock formations that make up the rest of the Superstition Wilderness.  It's like a cross between The Valley's low desert climate and the rocks of Sedona. 

This 10+ mile loop took me through Garden Valley which would be a-bloom with Mexican poppies and other desert wildflowers in a normal year.  In this dry year I just noted a lot of saguaros.  And black rocks...piles upon piles of black rocks.  At the end of Garden Valley as descent into Boulder Canyon begins, the trail parallels a black creek bed.  The rocks look like fresh lava flows from Hawaii.  Near the canyon floor there was some standing water in a semi-riparian area. The water was stagnant, but that didn't stop some frogs from jumping in as I approached.

I got to experience another end of Boulder Canyon than what I did a few weeks ago.  Battleship Mountain was directly in front and I met a few hikers coming back / heading up the trail.  Battleship Summit is said to be a primitive, largely unblazed trail.  The reviews I have read make me nervous, but someday in the near future I expect I'll be trying this one out—after it gets a little more wear and tear. 

While cairns are a debatable point among hikers, I was grateful for many well-placed rock stacks along Boulder Canyon Trail.   The trail crosses the creek bed many times, and finding it on the other side is not always easy. 

Nearing the end of Boulder Canyon brought spectacular views of Weaver's Needle from multiple angles and Palomino Mountain.  From the well-signed junction I opted to take Dutchman Trail back to the First Water parking area.  Black Mesa Trail was another option and one I may want to experience in the near future.

All these hikes have left me 'hangry' for more.  But I'm quickly exhausting the limits of what I can do with my little Mazda in terms of trailhead access.  I'm seriously considering a second 'beater' SUV that can do some off-roading.  Think, Nissan Xterra.  There's still so much of Arizona to explore.

Not your typical angle for Weaver's Needle pix
Like Hawaii lava flows...

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Attitude Adjustment on Piestewa

Weather:  77º, overcast, some humidity

Time:  27 minutes

About this Hike:  I went into today almost loathing this hike.  Like, let's check this one off the to-do list.  That's never a very good hike-a-tude.  The crowds of people are really starting to get to me as Phoenix trails become America's best-kept secret.

Parking was anything but abundant today.  I was lucky to catch a guy leaving and parallel park in his space. It was tight, and I don't know how I did park jobs like this in the days before back up cams.

I utilized the Alternate Summit Trail, which is pretty much standard procedure for me now.  The crowds were heavy, but manageable.  There weren't any bottlenecks on the ascent. 

Phoenix PD gave us a show in the chopper, and then a vintage airplane was doing dives and scary maneuvers around the mountain.

Otherwise this was an enjoyable, uneventful hike. 

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Boulder Canyon #103 - Superstitions

Weather:  72º, sunny, breezy

About this Hike:   I've spent many weekends kayaking on Canyon Lake.  However, this is the first time in six years that my feet have touched the Boulder Canyon Trail which begins across the street from Canyon Lake Marina. 

Six years ago I took pictures of the captivating vistas high above Canyon Lake.  I took many a photo of Battleship Mountain and Weaver's Needle in the distance.  Last time I believe I began hiking up the boulder-strewn creek bed toward the hull of the battleship.  And then I must have turned back. 

This time we kept pressing on down Boulder Canyon Trail.  The elevation varies widely on this hike, and we enjoyed some good uphill workouts followed by careful descents on both the out and the back portions. The first descent is into La Barge Creek.  Next up on the trail is the canyon's namesake Boulder Creek.  Being in the canyons near these seasonal creeks lends to some interesting vegetation.  The area has a semi-riparian feel to it.

Large vegetation - Indian Paint Mine sinkhole
Prior to getting to Boulder Creek we came into an area of red rock.  And do I mean red—like Sedona red.  An old foundation, walls, and a sinkhole greeted us in the red rock area.  It appeared Jack's Beanstalk was shooting up out of the sinkhole.  Around this area are some narrow but very explorable canyons in the red rock.  I learned this is known as Indian Paint Mine , and apparently the sinkhole is where natives extracted red rock to create paint and pottery.  Very cool stuff. 

By continuing on #103 the Paint Mine's red rocks quickly fade back to the orange, yellow, and black lichen-covered escarpments that are so prevalent in this area of the Superstitions. 

The well-signed junction with Second Water Trail was the next waypoint and then another creek  came into view.  This creek actually had some water in it, reminiscent of rains The Valley experienced earlier in the week.  The water was trickling but looked stagnant. 

Kayaking at Canyon Lake has afforded me considerable knowledge about the topography of the Superstitions; the Salt River watershed; and this eerie, magnificent portion of the Tonto National Forest.  I greatly enjoyed visiting Boulder Canyon again. 

And now my curiosity is piqued.  I hope it won't be another six years until my next visit.  Before the weather gets too hot, I plan to explore First and Second Water Trails in this area. 

Battleship Mtn. & Weavers Needle in the background

Looking down the canyon as it drains into Canyon Lake