Weather: 103º, sunny
Time: 42 minutes
About this Hike: I think I found my limit for summertime hikes at Camelback. The heat felt oppressive today. Granted, I got started around 11 AM, which was later than I would like to have commenced.
That said, I took it very slow—hence posting a time to the summit of about 10 minutes longer than normal. I drank a lot of electrolyte water. I took plenty of rest breaks in what little shade I could find.
I never felt sick, dizzy, or any other distressing symptoms. I was responsible with sunscreen and don't appear to have gotten burned. But this was not a fun hike. It was too hot.
And while I enjoyed having the trail almost entirely to myself, the silence was eerie. "What if I end up in distress up here?," and other such negative thoughts were going thru my head.
A few times I saw low-flying police choppers on patrol. PHX PD knows many bad hiking statistics are created on days like today.
Thankfully the only stat I am is one of the thousand who hike Camelback, get back to their car, and go home.
It was a convenient day to hike today, but I'm not sure it was a good day for a hike.
Time: 42 minutes
About this Hike: I think I found my limit for summertime hikes at Camelback. The heat felt oppressive today. Granted, I got started around 11 AM, which was later than I would like to have commenced.
That said, I took it very slow—hence posting a time to the summit of about 10 minutes longer than normal. I drank a lot of electrolyte water. I took plenty of rest breaks in what little shade I could find.
I never felt sick, dizzy, or any other distressing symptoms. I was responsible with sunscreen and don't appear to have gotten burned. But this was not a fun hike. It was too hot.
And while I enjoyed having the trail almost entirely to myself, the silence was eerie. "What if I end up in distress up here?," and other such negative thoughts were going thru my head.
A few times I saw low-flying police choppers on patrol. PHX PD knows many bad hiking statistics are created on days like today.
Thankfully the only stat I am is one of the thousand who hike Camelback, get back to their car, and go home.
It was a convenient day to hike today, but I'm not sure it was a good day for a hike.