Weather: 90º, sunny
Time: 35 minutes
About this Hike: What have I done to deserve being so lucky as to hike both days this weekend?! This is a great time of year for Sunday afternoon hikes because football season helps to clear out the trails.
Parking was no problem this afternoon at Camelback. The demographic on the mountain was a lot of older people and families with kids. Some ASU students were thrown in the mix as well.
It led to a lot of waiting for people to clear the trail or people generally nipping at my heels and making me uncomfortable. I 'pulled over' many times to let other hikers pass.
My complaining aside, it was otherwise a nice hike today. At the summit what appeared to be a gnat bit me, leaving a welt and considerable stinging. It was almost like getting stung by a bee....very odd.
Time: 35 minutes
About this Hike: What have I done to deserve being so lucky as to hike both days this weekend?! This is a great time of year for Sunday afternoon hikes because football season helps to clear out the trails.
Parking was no problem this afternoon at Camelback. The demographic on the mountain was a lot of older people and families with kids. Some ASU students were thrown in the mix as well.
It led to a lot of waiting for people to clear the trail or people generally nipping at my heels and making me uncomfortable. I 'pulled over' many times to let other hikers pass.
My complaining aside, it was otherwise a nice hike today. At the summit what appeared to be a gnat bit me, leaving a welt and considerable stinging. It was almost like getting stung by a bee....very odd.