Weather: 70°; clouds and sun
I love Secret Mountain Wilderness. I've explored Secret Canyon from Sedona before, and I couldn't wait to explore more of Secret Mountain via Loy Canyon. It's taken the last six months for this hike to materialize. Each time I'd plan a trip to Sedona, the weather would turn for the worst and I'd have to cancel.
Finally, with ideal spring weather upon us, I made an impulse decision to do a Saturday trip up to Red Rock Country.
The road out to Loy Canyon TH isn't bad at all, which is surprising after the wet winter we've had. It's maintained dirt/gravel, and the utility poles that follow the road remind you you're not far from civilization, remote as it may feel out there.
This hike begins in Red Rock Country, which gives way to beautiful old-growth forest. Then it gets less pretty as you emerge from forest into desert scrub and sandstone. This section is the switchbacks that ascend up to Secret Mountain. Definitely watch your footing in here, as the trail is a shelf in some sections. The views of Secret Mountain and the canyon are breathtaking.
Once through the switchbacks I reached the saddle and junction with Secret Mountain. I first went to the south, but the trail gave out quickly. Massive trees have fallen, and the trail is not only blocked but tore up with huge gashes that are impassable. The elk are certainly enjoying this area of Secret Mountain. Whatever's on top of Secret Mountain may have to wait for another day (doubtful as my understanding is this section isn't being maintained anymore).
I opted to go to the north and hiked over to the Secret Mountain TH. I was actually impressed to see this is a semi-developed TH. I put down my pack here and had lunch. The creeks in the lower elevations of Loy Canyon were bone dry which is unexpected after this wet winter AND there's patchy snow on Secret Mountain. However, in the higher elevations water is still flowing. I first heard and then spied two beautiful waterfalls across the canyon. I also heard, but did not see, what was most certainly a rock slide somewhere in the canyon.
Unable to explore Secret Mountain further, I returned the way I came. I'm so glad to check this one off my bucket list, but I may be back. My understanding is that there are some impressive Native ruins to explore in Loy Canyon.